Key HGVC Phrases

 keywords for HGVC TimesharesWhile there are many terms and phrases that are common and important to know when being a Hilton Grand Vacation Club owner, these are a few that are often overlooked, but equally necessary to know. By learning these terms and what they mean, you can proactively enhance your booking ability and understanding with HGVC.

Affiliated Resort

This describes a resort that has entered into an agreement to participate in the club program provided it maintains a specified level of quality in regards to amenities and service. These levels of quality are determined by HGVC. In addition, most of the affiliated resorts are managed by Hilton Grand Vacation Company. This allows the resorts to maintain the level of quality asked by HGVC.

Occupancy Levels

Occupancy levels define the different levels of capacity for each accommodation. This is determined by Recommended Occupancy, and Maximum Occupancy. Recommended Occupancy indicates the number of occupants which would most comfortably fit in each varying unit size. Maximum Occupancy indicates the maximum number of occupants allowed in each varying unit size. This is normally determined by the size of the unit, which can range from studio (maximum of 2) to a Penthouse Premier (maximum of 8).

key phrases for hilton resalesEvent Week

Event weeks are defined as a period of seven consecutive nights, during specific peak travel times such as holidays, when club members owning weeks during these times have guaranteed reservation privileges. Event weeks are fixed, meaning they remain the same span of time each calendar year, so it is good to keep this in mind if you are someone who enjoys booking at varying times each year.

With these additional phrases at your disposal, you can comfortably book with a stronger understanding of HGVC and their stipulations. If you have any additional questions regarding HGVC terminology, feel free to contact us.