Red Week

A red week is an RCI term which refers to the time of year in which a timeshare property is considered highly desirable.

Red weeks are the most desirable time of the year for a resort, surpassing Blue Weeks and White Weeks, which are low and medium desirability, respectively. When considering purchasing a red week for your desired timeshare property, bear in mind that these weeks tend to be the most expensive.

However, paying the premium price allows you to travel during the resorts peak times, and afford you to most trading power through RCI. This gives you the option to trade for equal or lesser weeks, opening your travel options to an extensive amount of additional properties. More often than not, the most desirable red weeks will be a combination of time and location, such as a Hawaiian resort during the summertime.

Choosing to invest in a highly desirable week for the sake of having a large amount of trading power can prove to be extremely beneficial for avid travelers.

If you have any additional questions regarding the different types of RCI weeks, feel free to contact us.


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